by Red Arnold | Jul 3, 2017 | Bird Safety, Handling Your Bird
Transportation: If you have to transport the birds in the winter make sure you have a blanket that fits over the whole cage. Your best bet is to take and old blanket and cut out holes for the cage handles on top, drape it over and duct tape the bottom so the blanket...
by Red Arnold | Jul 3, 2017 | Bird Safety, Handling Your Bird
by Red Arnold | Jul 3, 2017 | Bird Safety, Handling Your Bird
by Red Arnold | Jul 3, 2017 | Bird Safety, Handling Your Bird
Stay away from handling the bird after you use the bathroom, work in the garden with dirt, clean the house, or handle meat for cooking. Wash your hands first and preferably with (unscented) anti-bacterial soap. If that isn’t available then use hand sanitizer...