Birds spend most of their lives in trees of some sort. Due to the fact that they have to maintain their balance, their bodies move but their head stays still. If you’ve ever seen those videos online where people move chickens in all different directions while their head stays put, you know what I’m talking about. But that doesn’t mean that birds don’t like a “thrill ride” every now and then. The human equivalent to a roller coaster for a bird is a swing. Unlike a steady perch, a swing or a ring are free floating. Swings move on a single plane whereas rings move on 2. Some birds want nothing to do with them and other love them We have swings and rings in our birds’ cages and the 2 girls who live together absolutely LOVE their swingy. They sleep in it, the swing on it solo and together and they just adore it. Our other birds with the rings will sit in the middle and do their mid afternoon chirp fest. They do this more then they are younger but its still good to have one or both implements in their cage for variety if nothing else. I of course, recommend the JW Insight brand for both. Here is a picture of the sand perch model.
I do believe they make a smooth wooden model too but either works. I would lean toward the wood one for ease of cleaning and due to the fact that if they like to sleep on it then they have a lesser chance to rub their feet raw. If you have a sand perch model in their cage it would probably be a good idea to have a smooth one or a ring type in there as well. They sit at the top of the cage and don’t really take up any valuable real estate in the cage so they make an inexpensive and wise investment.
Here is the ring model. This particular kind comes in different colors too. Well worth the purchase