by Red Arnold | Jul 3, 2017 | Environment, Tu Casa Es Su Casa
Yo Adrian… Our birds are fully flighted. Every room in the house has some place that the bird can land (aside from our shoulders, of course) and sit/perch/play to be near us while we’re taking care of human things. Watching TV, being on the computer, eating, even...
by Red Arnold | Jul 3, 2017 | Environment, Tu Casa Es Su Casa
Food Dish: When you’re setting up the cage which should ideally be set up, washed and ready before you even get the bird home, I suggest this. What I do is I arrange the cage so that no matter where the bird is perched, for 98% of everything in the cage, wherever he’s...
by Red Arnold | Jul 3, 2017 | Environment, Tu Casa Es Su Casa
Most huts and houses are Ok for birds but I will tell you this. Houses are not all that great because birds will poop in them and you have to clean them more often. Huts are good but beware the “Happy Hut”. When we first got Holly she almost died. If my wife hadn’t...
by Red Arnold | Jul 3, 2017 | Environment, Tu Casa Es Su Casa
As for the cage setup, take the swing, the hut, the wooden perches, the hanging toys, the toys connected to the cage wall… and shuffle them around every week or 2 weeks for the first 3-4 months. This may be harder with females as they tend to get more territorial with...
by Red Arnold | Jul 3, 2017 | Environment, Tu Casa Es Su Casa
A bird’s home is their home. Literally. They like their privacy and a place to get away, just like you do. Tu casa es su casa. Your home is their home but that doesn’t mean that goes both ways. You don’t want the Jolly Green Giant reaching his hand into your abode for...
by Red Arnold | Jul 3, 2017 | Environment, Tu Casa Es Su Casa
For every room in the house, have a play pen or a lunch tray or a plastic turkey serving tray like the one in the playpen pic in every room. You can get trays at the dollar store and at thrift stores. Or at least get some sort of perch for them to sit on with paper...